0031. Find Minimum Difference Between Any Two Elements


Given an unsorted array, find the minimum difference between any pair in given array. Examples :

Input : {1, 5, 3, 19, 18, 25}; Output : 1 Minimum difference is between 18 and 19

Input : {30, 5, 20, 9}; Output : 4 Minimum difference is between 5 and 9

Input : {1, 19, -4, 31, 38, 25, 100}; Output : 5 Minimum difference is between 1 and -4




package findminimumdifferencebetweenanytwoelements

import (

fmt.Println(abs(math.MinInt64)) // Output: -9223372036854775808

// 似乎比較快
func WithTwosComplement(n int64) int64 {
    y := n >> 63          // y ← x ⟫ 63
    return (n ^ y) - y    // (x ⨁ y) - y
func abs(n int) int {
    if n < 0 {
        return -n
    return n

func WithTwosComplement(n int64) int64 {
    y := n >> 63       // y ← x ⟫ 63
    return (n ^ y) - y // (x ⨁ y) - y

// O(n Log n)
func FindMinDiff(nums []int) int {
    if len(nums) <= 0="" {="" return="" }="" sort.ints(nums)="" o(n="" log="" n)="" minsize="" :="math.MaxInt32" o(n)="" for="" i="" <="" len(nums);="" i++="" tmp="" -="" nums[i-1])))="" if=""> tmp {
            minSize = tmp

    if minSize == math.MaxInt32 {
        minSize = 0
    return minSize

func FindMinDiff2(nums []int) int {
    if len(nums) <= 0="" {="" return="" }="" sort.ints(nums)="" minsize="" :="math.MaxInt32" for="" i="" <="" len(nums);="" i++="" tmp="" -="" nums[i-1])="" if=""> tmp {
            minSize = tmp

    if minSize == math.MaxInt32 {
        minSize = 0
    return minSize
© Kimi Tsai all right reserved.            Updated : 2024-05-06 09:36:37

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