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Google I/O 2023 : Build more secure apps with Go and Google

Google I/O 2023 : Build more secure apps with Go and Google Google I/O 2023 中有個議題關於 Go 的安全性. Build more secure apps with Go and Google. 在這邊簡單做了一下筆記. What is Software Supply Chain Security 軟體供應鏈安全(Software

Install GitLab Runner on Windows

Install GitLab Runner on Windows 來源: https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/install/windows.html Windows 建立 Runner 的 folder , ex.: C:\GitLab-Runner 下載執行檔 64-bit or 32-bit . You can download a binary for every available version as described in Bleeding Edge - download any other tagged release. 可以將下載的檔案改名成 gitlab-runner-windows-amd64.exe –> gitlab-runner.exe 安裝GitLab Runner

Set up zsh command line in MacOS

Set up zsh command line in MacOS ZSH https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh 安裝 oh-my-zsh 安裝 zsh theme: powerlevel9k 設定 powerlevel9k 1. 安裝 iTerm2 1 2 3 4 # 如果你從來沒有用過 brew cask 的話需要先跑這行 brew tap caskroom/cask # 安裝 iTerm2 brew cask instal iterm2 2. 修改 iTerm2 的 color scheme 將 Report Terminal Type

mTLS in Go

mTLS in Go https://venilnoronha.io/a-step-by-step-guide-to-mtls-in-go mTLS是指在服務器端和客戶端之間使用雙向加密通道。如今,mTLS是確保雲原生應用程序中微服務之間的通信安全的首選協議。 What is mutual TLS (mTLS)? https://www.cloudflare.com/zh-tw/learning/access-management/what-is-mutual-tls/

Deply Project to Fly Replace Heroku

Deply Project to Fly Replace Heroku Heroku 將在 11/28, 2022 中止免費方案. 替代方案 更詳細的內容請參考: https://dev.to/meshvpatel18/top-heroku-alternatives-for-free-46g1 Netlify - Host serverless apps Cloudflare - Best for Static Site. Cyclic - Deploy full stack Node JS apps in seconds. Deta – The Cloud for Developers Firebase - Fast and secure web hosting Railway - Made